About us

GoldenTrainer Performance Studio was opened in 2005 to allow my clients a place to receive private personal training sessions. The studio is equipped with a full line of Hammer Strength Equipment, Life Fitness Treadmill and Stationary Bike, 2.5 – 100 lb dumbbells, Life Fitness Body Motion Machine, and simple Balls, Bands, Everlast Heavy Bag and Speed Bag for boxing and kickboxing training and other sport-specific equipment. The studio also provides a place for clients and the general public to buy their supplements (Protein, Creatine, Multi-Vitamins, Calcium, Meal Replacements, Diet Products, etc.) at a guaranteed lowest price in Cedar Rapids, Iowa every day or I will beat the competitors ad when presented. I make wholesale prices available every day and some days you will pay less than wholesale (direct from the manufacturer pricing)!


High-end Equipments
Locker Room